Miller Magazine Issue: 138 June 2021

The world is getting used to living with the pandemic. In this nearly two- year period, the world countries once again comprehended the value of grain deeply and costly. The saying used to go 'he who controls the oil rules the world'. The value of food has begun to be appreciated much more deeply. So, now, he who controls the wheat and corn market will rule the world. Of course, we should also add water to the list. Climate change and drought affect the wheat yield in many countries as is the case with Turkey. Turkey's wheat harvest, which used to be around 20 million tons in recent years, is expected to be between 18 and 18.5 million tons this year even according to the most optimistic estimates. The Turkish government has imposed export restrictions on some prod- ucts such as bulgur, pasta, and semolina so that the drought, which has been effective throughout the country this year, does not negatively affect the diet of the people and domestic production remains in the country. Accordingly, these products can be exported only if made from the wheat brought under the scope of the inward processing regime (DIR). On the other hand, the obligation to use durum wheat in pasta production was abolished. Pasta production from 100 percent bread wheat was allowed. This is a step that will reduce the import of durum wheat. In addition, the farm- ers will lean towards grains, especially wheat, due to up to 40 percent increas- es in the purchase prices of these products announced by TMO. Keeping the food stock at the highest level has become the first priority of countries. Especially grain markets experienced great mobility due to panic purchases. This boom is reflected in the data of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Global food prices saw the sharpest monthly increase in more than a decade in May, according to the FAO despite the record expect- ed in world grain production. The FAO Grain Price Index rose 6.0 percent in May. The increase was driven by global corn prices, which increased by 8.8 percent on a monthly basis and more than 89.9 percent on an annual basis. International wheat prices were also 6.8 percent higher on average in May compared to the previous month. The FAO Food Price Index rose 4.8 percent on a monthly basis and 39.7 percent on an annual basis, reaching 127.1 points, the highest figure in the last 10 years. The monopoly of a few countries in exports of products such as corn, wheat, soybean, sunflower, and lentils is a major factor in price increases. The increase in these products, which are widely used in human and animal nutri- tion, causes inflation in food and feed prices. In short, he who leaves the fate of his own food at the mercy of other countries loses in this war. editor Namık Kemal PARLAK millermagazine company/millermagazine millermagazine Parantez Publishing and Congress Ltd. Gökevler Mah. 2312 Sok. No:16/37 Ginza Corner Plaza, Esenyurt / İstanbul - TURKEY T. +90 212 347 31 64 F. +90 212 212 02 04 On Behalf of Parantez Publishing and Congress Ltd., Owner Zübeyde Kavraz Responsible Manager Namık Kemal Parlak Editor-in-Chief Namık Kemal Parlak Editors Mustafa Yağmurlu Cemalettin Kanaş Sales and Marketing Ahmet Açıkgöz Burcu Çetin Art Director and Visual Design Alparslan Murat Aysu Corporate Communications Ahmet Hamdi Annaç Consultancy Board Ali İhsan Özkaşıkçı, Chairman of AUSD Mesut Çakmak, Chairman of GUSAD Erhan Özmen, GUSAD Honorary Chairman Bekir Bağış, Chairman of Çukurova Flour Industrialists Association Hasan Özmermer, Board Member of Özmermer Flour Derviş Toprak Mehmet Şerif Gültay Referee and Scientific Advisory Board Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bayram Prof. Gustavo Sosa Prof. Dr. Hazım Özkaya Asst. Prof. M. Kürşat Demir Asst. Prof. Halef Dizlek Asst. Prof. Harun Dıraman Asst. Prof. Mustafa Erbaş Publication Type Periodic (Monthly) Printing - Baskı AT İSTANBUL TEKNİK OFSET MATB. SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. Litros Yolu 2. Matbaacılar Sitesi 1NA6/8 Topkapı-Zeytinburnu-İSTANBUL 0212 501 45 15 All copyrights belong to Parantez Publishing. © May not be used without permission. Responsibility of the ads belongs to the advertisers. ISSN 2718-031X COPYRIGHT PAGE Wheatears to replace oil