Miller Magazine Issue: 138 June 2021

36 MILLER / june 2021 NEWS Sukup Manufacturing announced that John Teeple has joined the company’s executive team as Chief Oper- ating Officer. “John has stellar experience in agriculture and manufactur- ing, and will be a valuable addition to our team,” said Steve Sukup, President and CEO. “As Sukup continues growing and technology is increasingly critical to farm and agriculture prod- ucts, we are confident in John’s ability to work with our manu- facturing operations, shipping, facility optimization, and product development teams. Innovation has always been key to our growth at Sukup, and we look forward to John being part of the team as we bring high quality grain storage, drying, and han- dling products to the agriculture industry.” John earned both a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Technol- ogy from Iowa State University, and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. His previ- ous professional experience includes DTN, Amazon Web Ser- vices, and more than 23 years at John Deere in leadership po- sitions in manufacturing, R&D, strategy and technology. Sukup Manufacturing Co. is the world’s largest family-owned and operated manufacturer of grain storage, drying, and han- dling equipment, and steel buildings. The company is head- quartered in America’s heartland - Sheffield, Iowa - and cov- ers more than one million square feet of office, manufacturing and warehouse space. The company employs more than 600 people, making it one of the largest employers in North Central Iowa. Three generations of the family are active in the business. Sukup’s product line includes on-farm and commercial grain bins; portable, mixed-flow and tower dryers; centrifugal and axi- al fans and heaters; stirring machines; bin unloading equipment and bin floors and supports. Sukup also manufactures material handling equipment including bucket elevators, conveyors and support structures; and steel buildings. Sukup has six distribu- tion centers in the Midwest. Sukup products are sold through- out the U.S. and Canada, and in more than 80 other countries. Sukup announces new COO John Teeple Chief Operating Officer Sukup Manufacturing Argentina's 2021/22 wheat crop is expected at 19 million tonnes, equal to the country's record-setting harvest in the 2018/19 season, the Buenos Aires Grains Exchange said in a preliminary forecast. Sowing of wheat in Argentina will start over the weeks ahead, with harvesting usually ending in January. Last season's wheat crop was 17 million tonnes. The country is a major wheat exporter, with most shipments destined for neighboring Brazil. "Wheat should maintain its planting area and aims to match the production record achieved during the 2018/19 cycle," the exchange said in a tweet. In April it said it expected a 2021/22 wheat planting area of 6.5 million hectares. It said the crop should be supported by good soil moisture and high interna- tional grain prices. Argentina's 2021/22 wheat crop seen at 19 million tonnes