Miller Magazine Issue: 138 June 2021
74 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / june 2021 Roland Mills United: At one of their flour mills in Recklinghausen, we readjusted their mill pneumat- ic with our unique services. In the end, we achieved more than 30% energy savings without compromising operational safety. Which regions and markets do you see as potential? We do not have specific regions where our customers are located. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we worked in the past year mainly with customers within Europe. However, by Q3 of this year, we expect that we can visit international customers again. You have started your European services operation with Termico for heat treatments in flour mills since the beginning of this year. Can you give us some de- tail on this partnership? During the last year, we have visited several flour mills within the European region and saw their challenges with pest management and the fumigation of their plants. That’s why we decided to open a Termico hub in Germa- ny from where we offer our heat treatment services to customers within Europe. What are the challenges of traditional pest control methods? Currently in most of the mill’s phosphine or hydric cy- anide gas are used for fumigation. As phosphine gas causes corrosion on cupper, this is especially for new flour mills a high risk as electrical parts can get heavily damaged with the gas. Hydric cyanide is very effective however, it leaves residues that can be measured in the finish products. For many of the end customers, this is nowadays not acceptable anymore, sustainability is get- ting more and more important. What are the benefits and advantages of using heat treatment for pest control in the milling plant? Heat treatment has several advantages compare to traditional fumigations methods: Downtime, as the installation, preparation and remov- al of the heat treatment equipment can be done during the normal production the overall downtime of produc- tion plant can be reduced. At one of our customers we completed the heat treatment of a complete flour mill building with 3 production lines within 44 hours. The mills were stopped in total for 49 hours. Hands on mill pneumatic optimization at Roland Mills United in Recklinghausen / Germany
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