Miller Magazine Issue: 138 June 2021
78 INTERVIEW MILLER / june 2021 The Ukrainian grain market is on the rise. Over the years, the Ukrainian grain market has not only changed but has grown in every sense of the word. Today Ukraine is one of the three larg- est grain suppliers to the world market and plays a vital role in global food security. Interlegal law firm from Ukraine are in the middle of grain consulting for 25 years and we asked Interlegal partner Artem Skorobogatov about grain market development for 20 years, in particular, about the legal aspect of this process. Artem, in your opinion, how has the grain business in Ukraine changed for the last decades? Thank you for your concern. Indeed, as a 25-year-old law firm specialized in agricultural trade and international trans- portation, we have a unique opportunity to observe dynamic market development as legal advisor to all its players: buyers, sellers, carriers, freight forwarders, terminals, etc. And we di- rectly participate in various solutions to completely different risk scenarios, caused both by human errors or intent and by objective factors or events worldwide. Yes, a lot has changed. Within the country, it is easy to see fundamental changes in infra- structure and technology, communications and market structure. A lot has also changed in the world, at least Ukraine has been WTO member for 13 years, which provided new opportunities to farmers. Therefore, both the role of Ukraine as a global agricul- tural market player and the market itself within the country has changed. That is, almost everything has changed. Why almost? What did remain unchanged? The most stable, probably, are people. Despite the fact that many new specialists have grown up inside and outside the ag- ricultural business, the backbone of the industry is the same as 10-15 years ago. In my opinion, it is not only the key to industry success but also one of the pillars for preserving statehood in this difficult time for the country. Agricultural business is not only a significant part of Ukraine’s income but also includes hundreds of thousands of educated and independent people, whose well-being and success are tightly related to the Ukrainian land and its fruits. You cannot take the land with you and leave for another country, so they will hold on and defend their interests therein. Unlike coal mining or metallurgy, this is a huge number The Ukrainian grain market is consolidating. Everyone can see clear vertical integration. Almost all large holding companies already have their own terminal facilities, transport companies, transport units, including railway… After joining the WTO, many new oppor- tunities have opened up for Ukraine. In particular, it was facilitated by the reform of the Ukrainian internal processes. Ukraine burst into the agricultural market in China, Asia, and now is planning to enter the African market. Ukrainian grain market development: Lawyer’s opinion Artem Skorobogatov Partner Interlegal
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