Miller Magazine Issue: 138 June 2021
82 ARTICLE MILLER / june 2021 Millers in most parts of the world face many challeng- es, from price pressure to increased competition and demanding flour purchasers. Today’s flour market is pre- dominantly shaped by downstream processes, like in- dustrial bakeries and pasta production. These highly au- tomated factories with streamlined processes need flour with consistent properties such as a specific particle size distribution and moisture content. Across different mar- kets and geographies these requirements will differ but be no less precise. In addition, some also require flour for specialized end products. At the same time as these requirements are becoming tighter, millers face the additional challenge that it is also becoming increasingly difficult to hire well-trained staff. This adds to the pressure modern mills find themselves under. To meet these challenges, millers need to be able to rely on efficient processes that maintain a consistent quality output and meet specific requirements. The Arrius integrated grinding system plays a key role in that. Improved starch damage management Bühler’s Arrius offers a multitude of new features in- cluding a solution for monitoring grinding force and the option to measure the temperature of the rollers. The newly developed roller configuration with pre-stressed rollerpacks achieves up to 10% higher starch damage, increasing water absorption and the availability of con- stituents for the enzymes required in the fermentation processes. This is particularly relevant for bread mak- ing. Pre-stressing the rollerpack also ensures a precise grinding gap that remains stable over time. Double-sided sensors continuously measure the grinding force. Starch damage – a closer look Starch damage is one of the main parameters that de- termine the quality of flour. During the growth phase in the field, protein and starch are stored in the wheat ker- nel providing it with the nutrition it needs for its repro- duction. The starch granules within the endosperm are approximately the size of the diameter of a human hair – between 20 to 80 micrometers. During milling, the roll- ers can crack the shell of the kernels exposing the con- tent and changing its chemical and physical properties. Bühler’s new Arrius is a fully integrated grinding system that sets new standards for con- sistent product quality and efficiency. With its pre-stressed rollerpack it provides a more stable grinding process, putting the power in millers’ hands to meet their customers’ increasingly complex requirements. Ensuring optimal flour quality Urs Dübendorfer Senior Advisor Bühler AG
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