Miller Magazine Issue: 138 June 2021

84 ARTICLE MILLER / june 2021 sistently reaches a defined surface area.” Fluctuations often take place unnoticed, compromising dough condi- tions and having a detrimental effect on efficiency in the downstream processes. The Arrius rollerpack achieves grinding results that are consistent in terms of particle size distribution too. Understanding the importance of temperature control Generally, a miller will always aim to avoid excess heat. Mechanical energy that is transformed into heat represents a loss. But heat also affects protein charac- teristics. Protein subjected to temperatures above ~ 42 degrees Celsius begins to react, coagulation starts and rheological behavior changes. With the built-in force sensors, the Arrius integrated grinding system provides a remarkable improvement, taking the grinding force as a fingerprint for what hap- pens in the grinding gap. With the temperature & vibra- tion management service (optional), operators gain valu- able information on the temperature distribution along the rollers. If the right end of a roller shows a different temperature than the left one, the grinding process will be quite different as well. Counter reactions set in as the hotter part of the roller expands, causing temperatures to rise even further. Control over the process is lost and consistency of the product output impaired. “You want a consistent temperature at the lowest level. If you can keep the temperature at the same level, you have confirmation that consistency is maintained,” says Dübendorfer. “The more information I get as a miller the better I can control the process and keep my product consistent. Information on the grinding force and tem- perature distribution are great indicators on the status of the grinding gap. Additional digital services from Bühler provide accumulated data from sensors and machine pa- rameters such as energy consumption.” Thanks to the integrated webserver all this data is ac- cessible via a PC or via mobile devices, so that millers are no longer bound to the control room. Essential infor- mation on process parameters is made available in the most user-friendly way. FURTHER BENEFITS The Arrius offers millers precise control over each of these key parameters, but that is not all. It also offers other important benefits too: Energy saving Compared to conventional belt drives the new inte- grated drive unit consisting of motor and gearbox allows for mechanical energy recovery saving up to 10% of en- ergy during the grinding process. Efficient use of space Arrius relies on direct suction and an integrated drive unit and control cabinet which requires only one floor and can be installed flexibly in the plant, resulting in a significant reduction of building investment costs. Quick installation The retrofit with the Arrius can be undertaken with a minimum of time investment. A pilot retrofit installation and commissioning of 12 Arrius integrated grinding sys- tems required less than a month from start to finish. Flexibility thanks to mobile control and management Arrius can be operated via smartphone, tablet or PC within the mill. In addition, the control system can be in- tegrated into the Mercury MES (Manufacturing Execution System). CONCLUSION The enhanced mechanical performance of the Arrius significantly contributes to the quest for consistent quality needed to succeed in today’s demanding markets. The improved monitoring and improved performance of starch damage represents a milestone in modern milling. In com- bination with the smart sensor technology, operators have in-depth information at their disposal ensuring excellence in process control. Arrius changes the market’s mantra, “Consistency is king”, from a challenge to an opportunity.