Miller Magazine Issue: 138 June 2021

The International Grains Council invites you to join the key players in the global grains value chain to discuss the latest de- velopments and issues affecting the grains, oilseeds and rice markets at its 30th IGC Grains Conference on 8-9 June 2021. Following the success of last year’s digital event, the 2021 edition will be again digital and include a lot of new interactive features to allow greater net- working opportunities between partic- ipants, sponsors and speakers. These include, person to person video calls, a virtual exhibition room, side-events and delegate meeting rooms to continue the session discussions. The two-day event will include 12 live streaming discussions on current issues affecting grains trade, including strategic risks for global markets, climate change, trade finance and the latest grains, oil- seeds and rice market developments. Video presentations by expert speak- ers will be made available 2 days before the conference allowing delegates to plan their viewing. For those delegates in other time zones, the live streaming panels will also be available till 7 days after delivery. Two special sessions will address po- tential business developments in South East Asia and in Central America. For more information on the conference programme and to register please go to: confhome.aspx The IGC Grains Conference is a key feature of London Grains Week 2021, or- ganised by AHDB, GAFTA, IGC and IGTC. We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to the event. International Grains Conference 2021 Grains and oilseeds sectors: Strategic risks and resilience post Covid-19