Miller Magazine Issue: 139 July 2021

72 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / july 2021 & Oman (with a milling capacity of over 4,000 MT per day including an exclusive durum line) • Packaging & Supply: Retail (1-10kg), wholesale (25- 50kg), Jumbo bags (1MT) & bulk (tankers) • Wheat Procurement: Key relationships with all ma- jor wheat exporting countries including; Australia, Argen- tina, Baltic States, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Iran, Kazakistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey & USA • Trading: Wheat storage & trading throughout the Middle East along with port/silo operations • Quality: Perfected formulation for various uses i.e. household, in-house & industrial bakeries, tandoors, biscuit factories, pasta & noodle plants. Implementation of ISO protocols with the establishment of state of art testing facilities including preventive pest control man- agement • Innovation: Developed health-related flours i.e. for lowering cholesterol, maintaining diabetes & helping ce- liac patients eating gluten-free flours • Wide experience in improving the nutrition value of end-products by utilizing & blending other grain flours • Business Development: Produced, marketed & sold over 40 different types of wheat flours (for almost every use) & 20 bakery premixes for the region & beyond. Can you give us some information about your mill- ing capacity and the technologies you use? How many mills and plants do you have all over the region and where are they located? A total of 5,000MT/day capacity in Saudi Arabia with 4 flour mills & 2 feed mills.