Miller Magazine Issue: 139 July 2021

74 INTERVIEW MILLER / july 2021 In this era of climate change and population growth, puls- es are the key to sustainable food systems. Hopefully, the demand for pulses on the rise. The food industry is turning to pulses to satisfy this demand. Plant-based foods are growing in popularity. Ingredients made from pulses are increasingly being used in food products. As the demand for plant-based proteins is booming, it is becoming more important for Can- ada, the largest pulses exporter, to provide a sustainable supply to world markets. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the pulse mar- kets? What are the major challenges for the Canadian pulse industry? How close Canada to achieve its goals determined in the ‘25 By 2025’ strategy? To find the answers, we interviewed Greg Cherewyk, the President of Pulse Canada, the national association of grow- ers, traders and processors of Canadian pulses. With his 17 years of career at Pulse Canada, he is an esteemed leader in the industry. As President of Pulse Canada, Mr. Cherewyk highlights the importance of digital marketing and sustain- ability. Here are the highlights… Mr. Cherewyk, could you please give some information about Pulse Canada? What is the mission and objective of your Association? We are guided by the vision that worldwide demand for Canadian pulses will grow each year as every market seg- ment recognizes their value as nutritious, sustainable and functional foods. As a national industry association, Pulse Canada’s purpose is to enhance the profitability of the Ca- nadian pulse industry, now and into the future. Our vision and the profitability equation inform how we structure our organization and the programs and services we offer to growers, processors and exporters of Canadian pulses. In that way, everything we do is guided by our need to deliver outcomes that maximize revenue or optimize costs. In terms of maximizing revenue, our focus is on diversifying market opportunities for pulses. When it comes to optimizing costs, our focus is on ensuring Canadian pulses have unfettered access to markets and ensuring that the supply chains that help serve those markets are fluid so that as a supplier we can meet a brand promise of consistency and reliability. You assumed the leadership role at Pulse Canada in March 2021. What are your priorities as President of “There are a number of different assessments of the potential for plant-based foods and plant-based meat markets, but they all draw one conclusion: the market poten- tial is huge and growing quickly. We believe the intrinsic health and sustainability qualities of pulses can not only be a key driver for the sector’s growth, but also can help play a role in the shift towards healthier, safe and sustainable consumption and nature positive food systems.” Global demand for pulse to expand Greg Cherewyk Pulse Canada President