Miller Magazine Issue: 139 July 2021

90 ARTICLE MILLER / july 2021 Covid-19 has led to disruptions of global supply chains and highlighted the need to have systems and process- es in place that allow for safely and efficiently exchang- ing trade documents. Global trading operations of plant products rely on crucial communication and transparen- cy of phytosanitary requirements to protect plant health and ensure international unrestricted and, safe trade of goods. Phytosanitary certificates facilitate such trade and benefit plant production sectors as well as consum- ers. Electronic certification as part of a broader endeav- or for trade facilitation has proven itself indispensable during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, to maintain con- tinuity of agricultural trade despite grounded and high cost of air traffic and related postal crisis. Unfortunately, many paperless measures taken will end with the nation- ally taken emergency measures or have been taken in a fragmented manner with no globally uniform approach. The IPPC ePhyto Solution has been deployed show- ing its crisis resilience and reason for being during the Covid-19 pandemic. ePhyto is short for “electronic phytosanitary certifi- cate”. The ePhyto Solution is the electronic certification system that is made up of three core components: 1. A central server (Hub): a system to facilitate the ex- change of the ePhytos between National Plant Protec- tion Organizations (NPPO’s) 2. A Generic ePhyto National System (GeNS): a cen- tralized web-based system that allows countries without their own system to produce, send, and receive ePhytos through the Hub 3. Harmonization: harmonized and standardized ap- proach to format, structure, and codes (where applica- ble) in the certificate exchange process. The ePhyto Solution was designed to significantly im- prove security, border efficiency and global coverage, making the movement of goods across borders safe, faster, and cheaper. More importantly, the 2019 UNES- CAP/ADB Innovation Award-winning IPPC ePhyto Solu- tion helps countries comply with the Trade Facilitation Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO), spe- cifically Articles 7.9 (release of perishable goods) and 10.1 (simplifying formalities and documentation requirements “The grain trade sees the ePhyto Solution ((electronic phytosanitary certificate) as an important part of the drive to streamline border processes, reduce time for cargo clearance, and reduce unnecessary cost burdens in trade. I encourage all stake- holders to get involved in this project. The greater accessibility to this platform, the greater the benefits that will be realized for global trade.” The IPPC ePhyto Solution – Enhancing safety in trade and global cooperation! Alejandra Danielson Castillo Regional Director for South Asia U.S. Grains Council, Co-Chair for the IPPC ePhyto Solution Industry Advisory Group