Miller Magazine Issue: 141 September 2021
79 ARTICLE MILLER / september 2021 no change over the storage time. The result is that adjust- ing of milling equipment is reduced by processing chilled grain. The spared time leads directly into reduced process- ing time, which increases the efficiency of the process. Conclusion Grain cooling is a comprehensive solution for post- harvest management and conservation of a grain bulk. It brings benefits which keep quantity, quality and the processing of a grain in the most economic condition. Its implementation in the warm and humid climates will lead to essential improvement of grain handling, loss reduction and good management practice, which has been proven in moderate climate already for more than 50 years (Kolb, 2013). References Agena, M.U., 1961, Untersuchungen über die Kälteeinwirkung auf lagernde Getreide- früchte mit verschiedenen Wassergehalten, Dissertation Universität Bonn, Germany Boser F., 1980, Heizöl sparen mit Get- reidekühlung, Fachzeitschrift Schweizer Han- dels-Börse. Boac, J. R., 2010, Quality changes, dust generation, and commingling during grain el- evator handling PH D. Thesis, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA. FrigorTec, 2008, Treatment of grains through conservation cooling with the GRAN- IFRIGOR ™ Amtzell, Germany FrigorTec, 2012, Quality assurance of paddy & rice with GRANIFRIGOR™ cool- ing conservation, Amtzell, Germany Jouin, C., 1964. Grundlegende Kalkulationen für die Belüftung des Getreides, Getreide und Mehl, Band 14, Heft 6, Beilage der Zeitschrift „Die Mühle“, publisher Moritz Schäfer, Det- mold, Germany. Kolb, R.E., 2013, Getreidekonser- vierung mit „Granifrigor“-Kühlgeräten seit 50 Jahren, in: Mühle + Mischfutter 150. Jahrgang, Heft 10, Verlag Moritz Schäfer, Detmold, Germany. Lacey, J., Hill, S.T., Edwards, M.A., 1980, “Microorganisms in stored grains; their enumeration and signifi- cance”, in: Tropical stored product in- formation, 39. Mühlbauer, W.,(2009: Handbuch der Getreidetrocknung, Agrimedia, Clen- ze, Germany Navarro, S., 1975, Aeration of grain as a non-chemical method for the control of insects in the grain bulk, Pro- ceedings of the 1st International Working Conference on Stored-Product Entomology, 7-11 October 1974, Savan- nah, Georgia, USA. Savannah, Georgia, USA Rodemann, B., 1999, Mykotoxine im Getreide, Rep. 2–99, Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forst- wirtschaft, Braunschweig, Germany. Sontag, J., 2014. Rice Processing, publisher Erling, Clenze, Germany. Wimberly, J. R., 1983, Technical Handbook for Paddy Rice Postharvest Industry in Developing Countries, In- ternational Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. Fig 4: Weevil developments according to the ambient temperature (FrigorTec, 2008) Fig 5: Storage timer of grain (Sontag, 2014)
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