Miller Magazine Issue: 141 September 2021

81 ARTICLE MILLER / september 2021 and water absorption) is of great importance for the pro- ducers of waffle products. The evaluation of flours with a Brabender GlutoPeak, and the GlutoPeak evaluation ”Rapid Flour Check” provide such a method, which im- plements a quick characterization of flours by mixing a small quantity of flour and water within a controlled en- vironment, in order to analyse and monitor the gluten development within that dough. As an onward devel- opment there exists now the “Low Protein Check” (LP- C)-method, which is specifically designed for properties of low protein flours. Within the here mentioned project these GlutoPeak methods were tested, implementing 20 different flour samples. The aim of this test was to check, if these meth- ods give reliable results and offer the same possibilities to obtain information in regards to mixing and baking of waffle products within a short time range, in comparison to standard routine analysis. The flour samples where provided by mills and food manufacturers. The project partners were the companies Bühler AG from Uzwil, Switzerland, as well as the Brabender GmbH & Co. KG, Duisburg, Germany. The baking tests, the planning, real- ization, and evaluation where carried out at the Bühler/ Haas food technical centre, Leobendorf (Austria). There was also the GlutoPeak instrument stationed, which was provided by the company Brabender. 2-Material and Methods For the project work, 20 different wheat flours were available, which stand for typical waffle flours or cookie flours. As a baking test, standard ice cones were pro- duced and tested. All flour samples were tested with the GlutoPeak and standard laboratory analyses (in accor- dance to ICC) prior to the waffle dough preparation and baked to ice cones. With the exception of one sample, all other samples fulfilled the basic requirements of a waffle dough (pls. see table 1). 2.1 Laboratory Analysis Using the Brabender GlutoPeak The first analysis was carried out with the GlutoPeak (pic. 1) in accordance with the standard method “Rapid Flour Check” and the available evaluation algorithm. After defining the moisture content of the flour sample, approx. 9 g water (depending on the water content of the corresponding sample) was filled into the measuring bowl and inserted into the GlutoPeak. By using a con- nected thermostat, the measuring opening in the hous- ing was heated up to 36 °C, in order to provide for equal test conditions, i.e. homogenous temperature distribu- tion in the measuring bowl. After 2 minutes, in which an Pic. 1: Brabender GlutoPeak Table 1: Analytıcal Parameter for Waffle Flour Wheat type: Soft wheat Flour aging period: 1 to 2 weeks storage after milling Analytical Parameter Ideal Acceptable Moisture content, % < 14.5 < 15 Protein (14% moisture), % ca. 9.5 < 10.3 Protein (relating to dry substance), % ca. 11 < 12 Wet gluten, % ca. 25 < 27 Ash content, % 0.4 – 0.6 0.4 – 0.75 Water absorption, % < 55 < 56 Addition of ascorbic acid no no