Miller Magazine Issue: 141 September 2021

84 ARTICLE MILLER / september 2021 is done with reduced speed of 2500 min-1 and a tem- perature of 35°C. The earlier mentioned evaluation is not changed by using this method. All tests were carried out as triple measurements and the results were collected and evaluated with the includ- ed software (MetaBridge). 2.2 Laboratory Analysis according to ICC-Standard Methods Most flour samples available were provided with the appropriate specifications. In most cases, these con- tained an average range within which the corresponding flour parameter should result. However, in some cases it was not detectable if standard analysis methods were applied for testing. In order to get reliable information about the available samples, all samples were checked by an accredited laboratory in Austria in accordance with the standard ICC methods. All results of the flour analysis in accordance with ICC-Methods are specified in table 2. 2.3 Producing a Waffle Dough The recipe used for making the waffle mass is depicted in table 3. In fixed order, water and sodium bicarbonate were given into an IKA laboratory stirrer equipped with a R1300 blade mixer, and mixed with moderate speed until a complete homogenization was reached. Following the next process steps, flour was inserted stepwise and the mixer speed was increased. After add- ing all flour, a further mixing of the waffle mass is done until again a complete homogenization was reached. Then followed by the next step the pre-prepared 1:1 mix- ture of sunflower oil and soy-lecithin, was added into the mass und mixed for another 60 seconds. Immediately after mixing, the viscosity was measured using a gravity feed cup of 100 ml and an 8 mm die (di- ameter) (according to ASTM D 333). In case that the mea- sured viscosity showed a deviation towards the defined viscosity of 20 seconds (+/- 1 sec.) the water amount of the recipe was adjusted and a new waffle mass was pre- pared. By adjusting the viscosity of each dough to 20 sec- onds (+/- 1 sec.) the mechanical behaviour during baking can be considered similar for all flours, thus assuming Abb. 6: Correlation of water absorption measured with GlutoPeak „Rapid Flour Check“ and routine analysis Pic. 7: Water demand of the dough in correlation with the water absorption Pic. 8: Waffle weight in correlation with the water absorption