Miller Magazine Issue: 141 September 2021
89 ARTICLE MILLER / september 2021 dough is influencing the product, but also the temperatu- re/ temperature deviations in the oven, as well as dosing (quantity, speed). The data acquired from the texture analysis of the waffle product is already exhibiting a sig- nificant static variance and does not correlate well with the flour properties. Considering the test set-up (see Pic. 13) the essenti- al properties in regards to the product stability, are the distance the ball is pressed into the cone (until the first crack appears), as well as the corresponding force maxi- mum for that crack. Both parameters are severely influenced by the waffle structure near the steam vent of the baking pan. Flours of low water absorption show generally also at that point homogenous, dense structures (see pic. 14). Stronger doughs tend to withstand the steam flow, if they have higher water absorption proper- ties, and present stream- line structures close to the steam vents (pic. 15). The stronger the flour, the more intensive these structures are, which lead to areas with less density and corresponding lower stability. As mentioned earlier, the influence of flour is only a partial aspect, whi- ch is influencing the stabi- lity of the waffle material. Therefore, a direct corre- lation, even with the data obtained with standard analysis is difficult (pic. 16). Visibly flours with high water absorption tend to form low stability products. As an examp- le, the sample W700 with its high water absorption of > 60 % results in less stable products, compa- red to the other flours. However, also flours with lower water absorption can result in less stable pro- ducts. This principle process is also exhibited, if corre- lated between the designated primary peak value Fmax with the GlutoPeak parameter G (see pic. 17). 4-Modification GlutoPeak-Method for Low Protein Flours As the test results of the Rapid Flour Check (RFC) met- hod did not produce an optimum information, the test evaluation was carried out with the newly developed Low Protein Check Method. By using this modified method, flour data of weak flours with satisfactory accuracy – compared to ICC methods, Pic. 22: Comparison of ICC and Low Protein GP-Method relating to the product weight prognosis. Pic. 23: Comparison between ICC- and Low Protein GP Method for pre- dicting the product stability
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