Miller Magazine Issue: 141 September 2021

90 ARTICLE MILLER / september 2021 can be assessed with a rapid method (see pic. 18 – 20). Contrary to the RFC method the LPC method is ve- rified to flours with low protein (<11 %) and wet gluten content (< 25 %). Thus the correlation of dough- or baking relevant pa- rameters obtained with the modified GlutoPeak method (see pic. 21 and 22), are nearly as reliable as those flour parameters of ICC methods. The basic predictions in regards to product properties (e.g. stability) will lead to similar conclusions (see pic. 23) as this is already possible with data obtained relating to ICC-Methods. This leads to the conclusion that the “Low-Protein”-Method of the GlutoPeak is a valuable al- ternative to the ICC-Methods. As already mentioned the prediction of product pro- perties, in regards to weight or even more evident the mechanical properties, obtained only from flour data is Pic.. 24/25: Flour samples, which did not show a peak tested with the Low Protein GlutoPeak method