Miller Magazine Issue: 141 September 2021

91 ARTICLE MILLER / september 2021 rather inconsistent. These properties are not only defined by the water absorption of the flour used, but by far more other values. During the GlutoPeak tests there were two flour samp- les which showed the phenomenon, that no peak de- veloped. The necessary aggregation of gluten forming proteins obviously did not take place, and lead to the fact that no relevant change in torque is measured (see pic. 24/25). This test series was carried out as triple tests in order to rule out any application mistakes. Due to the curve progression and the resulting missing values, it was not possible to include these flours into the evaluation. As a reason for the missing peak, it is assumed that the gluten building flour protein contained, was too low to aggregate for influencing the torque. There could also be the reason of a protein damage due to a denaturisa- tion caused by too high temperatures during the milling process. 5-Conclusion Every prediction could be reproduced in principle. This is valid for the standard laboratory analysis as well as for the results obtained with the GlutoPeak measurements. However, the results of the Rapid Flour Check method showed only a good correlation to a certain degree with the ICC laboratory data. Especially the water absorption – a crucial factor for characterisation of waffle flours – was insufficiently displayed. From 20 tested flours, 19 samples were defined as su- itable raw material for waffle production. Only one flour sample was outside the specification shown in Tab. 1. The selected random sample is considered as homoge- nous. Predicting quality trends of baked waffles is indepen- dently of the flour analysis used, very difficult, as a num- ber of further influencing factors are affecting the product properties. This is particularly valid, when not only the raw material flour, but also the baking parameter have a significant influence on the measuring data (e.g. texture of waffle cones). Laboratory data of the baking results correlated better, when acquired via ICC-Methods in comparison to the RFC-GlutoPeak evaluation statistical wise. This is due as the RFC-Method was developed rather for gluten strong flours. Because of that, the flours were also tested and evalu- ated with the newly developed Low Protein Check met- hod, which at the beginning of the project, however, was not yet available. The corresponding optimized LPC-Glu- toPeak method was modified by including the evalua- tion algorithm towards the ICC-standard methods, and adapting the necessary parameter. Thereby equivalent results were generated in comparison with the ICC- la- boratory data. With the exception of these two flours, which did not show any peak when applying the LPC method and the- refore showing no results, the tests carried out with the GlutoPeak are suitable to describe the flour quality. Due to its flexibility, easy handling, small sample quantities, and short measuring times a quick characterization of waffle flours is provided. The stored correlations, like wet gluten content, showed a good reference value with the obtained results, by applying the usual ICC Methods. Based on the flour characterization provided with the LPC –Method, a quick test of much smaller flour samp- les for its standard suitability as waffle flour is as well possible, as a quick comparison of different flour bat- ches. Furthermore, the measuring results may be used to make a quick estimation in regards to the necessary water demand, leading to a possible change of recipe or energy consumption. Predicting the product properties is just going by flour analysis, independently from the mea- suring method, not possible. The company Bühler AG, founded in 1860, is worl- dwide market leader for mills and milling systems, and equally throughout the food- and feed industry. The Bühler Food Equipment section covers the demand of customers in the waffle industry. Since 2018 the waffle innovation centre in Leobendorf, Austria, is developing specific custom made production equipment and carries out corresponding pilot tests on laboratory scale. For 95 years Brabender produces measuring- and control instruments for testing the material quality in all sectors of research, development- and production wit- hin the food- and feed industry. It is a leading worldwi- de supplier for laboratory equipment in the milling, ba- king- and starch industry. The Brabender GlutoPeak is a relatively new quick test procedure and determines the aggregation behaviour and thus the gluten quality within 5 – 10 minutes. For further questions, relating to this study, please, contact: