Miller Magazine Issue: 141 September 2021

93 Country Profile MILLER / september 2021 Wheat consumption in Egypt is enormous and increases every year. Wheat consump- tion for the current year of 2021 is estimat- ed at 21.1 million metric tons compared to 20.8 million tons from last year. As a coun- try in the size of Egypt, that highly depends on wheat products, local production would obviously not be enough, which leads to very large investments in wheat imports. It is expected that for the year 2021, wheat imports will reach 13 million tons in Egypt. Grain milling is a very important market in Egypt, as it is the world's largest importer of wheat, and is also a big wheat producer too. When it comes to wheat, it is used widely in the Egyptian market mainly at flour mills and pas- ta factories to cover the needs of more than 100,000,000 Egyptians by producing staple foods like flour, bread and pasta. According to statistics shared by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Egypt is the most dependent country on protein supplies from wheat, reaching to 35 grams per capita per day. EGYPTIAN WHEAT MARKET Khalid Al-Hazaa General Manager Al-Hazaa Investment Group