Miller Magazine Issue: 142 October 2021
48 MILLER / OCTOber 2021 NEWS Next Instruments Pty Ltd manufacturers a range analysers and instruments for the agriculture and food industries. Over the last five years, Next Instruments has grown significantly through the sales and mar- keting of the CropScan 3300H On Combine Grain Analyser. To focus the business on this revolutionary technology, Next Instruments is changing it’s trading name to CropScanAg using a new logo. Next Instruments has partnered with CropScanAg Solutions, which has developed a mobile App called N-GAUGE, to deliver a suite of services and products to users of the CropScan 3300H analyser. Next Instruments trading as CropScanAg is the exclusive distributor for the CropScanAg Solutions N-GAUGE services and products. The first module for the N-GAUGE Mobile App is called N-GAUGE Grain Logistics which allows CropScan 3300H users to manage the quality and quantity of grain as it is harvested and then stored in the field and on farm. The N-GAUGE Grain Logistics App displays a Virtual Storage System setup for the farm and shows the running aver- age for Protein, Moisture, Oil and Starch plus weight for the grain stored in each storage unit, i.e., chaser bins, mother bins, field bins, silos, bags etc. Every load of grain that is transferred from the combine is tracked from the field to on-farm silos or shipped off to buyers or eleva- tors. N-GAUGE Grain Logistics App also allows the farmer or his field manager to direct the flow of grain from the combine to the storage units using their Smart Phone, iPad or tablet PC. A Blending Estimator tool allows the user to blend grain from two storage units into a truck or field bin to achieve a specific Protein or Oil grade, there- by optimizing crop payments. CropScanAg plans to introduce a complete on-farm solution to measuring, managing and growing grains and oilseeds. The slogan, “MEASURE, MANAGE, GROW” en- compasses the CropScanAg 5-year strategy to improve productivity and profitability of grain farming based on measuring Nitrogen in the form of Protein using the Crop- Scan 3300H analyser and the N-GAUGE management tools. For more information, visit the web site: Next Instruments changes it’s trading name to CropScanAg
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