Miller Magazine Issue: 142 October 2021

57 COVER STORY MILLER / OCTOber 2021 Today, especially in the food processing sec- tor, sustainability and traceability are two very important factors. Therefore, process control is vital in milling plants where tons of produc- tion are made per day. Automation is a must for quality and error-free production in these plants. What opportunities and advantages does automation offer to flour mills? What kind of solutions can information technology and operational technology offer to millers are being discussed herein. The combination of smart production and automa- tion is very important in the globalizing world market, where increasing research and development studies and technology-oriented competition are rapidly in- creasing. For this reason, it is very difficult to be safe, fast and efficient in order to survive in the changing competitive conditions in a market that is constant- ly growing and the number of actors is increasing. However, it is possible to overcome this challenge in the industrial sector with smart production and au- tomation. In addition to using the existing systems, important steps can be taken for the companies to follow continuous development and to have a voice in the market. Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolu- tion, it’s the way we produce products due to digital transformation. IoT makes 4.0 possible and smart mill a reality. Equipment in our process industry is getting smarter, and they are producing critical data that are essential to increase productivity. The milling industry will have to embrace IoT, or they will be left behind. Regulatory compliance, recall procedures, food se- curity and innovations will force them to stay current. Automation and smart production processes