Miller Magazine Issue: 142 October 2021
66 COVER STORY MILLER / OCTOber 2021 Today, all companies realize that they cannot go much further with traditional production strategies and as a result of this realiza- tion, the companies that include digital transformation in produc- tion, are in the way of making the transition to the smart production system. Smart production is a system of process control that uses computers, big data and other automation tools to increase man- ufacturing efficiency, which emerges to optimize the process of manufacturing. It is important to control every stage in the process from raw material and semi-finished product to the final stage and exit of the product from the company. While performance, capability, quality and standards come to the fore here, it is very important for companies to reach world standards. It is important that com- panies working in very favourable conditions and with qualified opportunities benefit from advanced technologies and up-to-date software programs. By using advanced technologies more, both training the per- sonnel and using the most up-to-date innovative methods are inevitable for inter-firm competition. Intelligent production; are in- tegrated and collaborative production systems designed to meet varying market demands and conditions and respond in real-time. To explain with a more basic approach; It is a technology-oriented approach in which smart machines are used to monitor produc- tion processes. The main purpose of smart manufacturing is to use data analytics to determine the necessary conditions to auto- mate processes and improve production performance. Smart production, which has emerged with the introduction of smart technologies, indicates an opportunity for companies that should really be emphasized. It is very important to follow the ex- isting processes with development and automation studies and to resolve the problems between the processes. While it is important to accelerate production and increase efficiency, it is very import- ant to evaluate performance and quality as a harmonious whole. AUTOMATION Automation, also known as a saving system, has entered our lives as a reflection of the cooperation between manpower and machinery. The automation system, which is basically called "self-acting" or "independent of human interaction", has started to make its impact more felt with the industrial revolution. Especially in industrial areas, it is possible with the cooperation of "Smart Pro- duction and Automation" to carry out the managerial activities of the companies without the need for manpower. In such manufac- turing systems, the percentage of work-sharing between human and machine determines the level of automation. Therefore, hu- “Developing and adapting smart production and automation to the system is very import- ant to catch up with the rapidly developing international market. For this reason, the high performance of automation systems enables to stay ahead of the competitors in the sector and to maintain the competitive aspect. In human-oriented and human-based production facilities; the production speed and the amount of product obtained as a result are much lower than the facilities working with smart production and automation systems.” Smart production Hasan Tarhan Chairman of the Board Endüstriyel Elektrik Elektronik
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