Miller Magazine Issue: 142 October 2021
70 COVER STORY MILLER / OCTOber 2021 bricks available and you, as a miller, pick whatever you need to deliver against your needs and your targets,” explains Sonderegger. “What is most exciting about this journey is that we are only at the beginning and all the data we are gathering will allow us to come up with new ideas and with new services to optimize and help our clients around the world.” BLOCKCHAIN TRANSPARENCY Another key feature of the Mill E3 is the devel- opment of a seamless interface from laboratory systems to Bühler Mercury MES and Bühler In- sights and then on to Whitworth clients through blockchain in the future. Currently in development, the blockchain application will enable the secure transfer of data to clients providing transparency around the exact process parameters being used in the milling of their product. The vision is that blockchain will reduce the need for such frequent sampling and laboratory testing as clients access production parameters in real time as part of the product certification process. The key advantage of blockchain is secure data collection and storage allowing for highest data security and transparency. In the end, it will enable a consistent, retraceable and food safe product. “We are currently working with Bühler to ensure that all the data we are observing on the blockchain system aligns with our laboratory data before we go live with blockchain with our clients in the future,” ex- plains Thomson. Blockchain has yet undiscovered potential. Fu- ture application of blockchain could include using sensors in vehicles to monitor time taken, ambient temperature and other safety processes. It could be used to monitor equipment performance as a form of smart insurance or to improve traceability.
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