Miller Magazine Issue: 142 October 2021
94 Country Profile MILLER / OCTOber 2021 rise in prices, Pakistan is gradually losing the Afghan wheat market to India, and the Central Asian Republics. While wheat production struggles to rebound, rice and corn production continues to increase in the country. USDA forecasts MY 2021/22 rice production and exports at a record 8.3 MMT and 4.5 MMT, respectively, due to optimum pro- duction conditions and larger, more affordable supplies available for export. Rice is Pakistan’s third-largest crop, after wheat and cotton, in terms of area sown. Pakistan plays a major role worldwide as a rice exporter, and it annually ex- ports approximately 2 million tons, which is 10 percent of the world's trade. After wheat and rice, corn is the most important cereal in Pakistan. Corn production has almost dou- bled in the last decade. If the present growth trend in corn production continues, it is likely to overtake rice production in the coming years. SOURCES: RIce ProductIon, ConsumptIon and Exports In PakIstan (1000 Tons) 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 Production 7200 8200 8300 Consumption 3280 3500 3700 Export 3820 4300 4500 Source: USDA Wheat ProductIon, ConsumptIon and Imports In PakIstan (1000 Tons) 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 Production 24300 25000 27000 Consumption 25200 26000 26800 Import 1 4000 1000 Source: USDA Corn ProductIon, ConsumptIon and Exports In PakIstan (1000 Tons) 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 Production 6900 7800 7900 Consumption 6900 7800 8000 Imports 50 50 60 Source: USDA
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