Miller Magazine Issue: 143 November 2021
86 Country Profile MILLER / november 2021 Agriculture has been a significant part of the na- tional psyche since the first colonists from Europe arrived. It plays such a symbolic role that our nation- al anthem is centred around the wealth of our land. Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We've golden soil and wealth for toil; (Australian National Anthem) This year Australia is back in action after a se- ries of terrible droughts. So it is a good time to provide a country profile on this continent nation on the periphery of the world. This profile will cover the following: • Australian food security • The distinct nature of the two sides of Australia • How the fall of sheep have helped grain pro- duction • The recovery from drought, and our consump- tion and exports • The opportunity with our neighbours in Indo- nesia A VERY WHEAT SECURE NATION Australia is a unique country in many ways, particularly from an agricultural viewpoint, with vast grain-growing plains and a relatively small population around the coastal perime- ter. The nation is roughly the same size as the United States of America. However, it has a population thirteen times smaller at 25m ver- sus 329m. On a per-capita basis, Australia has produced 915kg wheat per person on average over the past five years. The nearest comparison is Can- ada, with 797kg per person. This places Australia firmly in a position as a nation that is heavily food secure. On the other end of the scale, countries like Egypt, the world’s largest importer of wheat, only produce around 85kg per person. A country like Australia will not be able to con- sume the quantity of wheat we produce before we include our other grains. We are, therefore, in an enviable position as a nation that generally holds a large export surplus. A TALE OF TWO SIDES Australia is one country, but it should be thought of (at least) two growing areas, the east and the west. Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4
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