Miller Magazine Issue: 144 December 2021
23 MILLER / december 2021 NEWS World Leading Digital Technology. Global Support Network World Leaders in Microwave Moisture Measurement Hydro-Probe XT Hoppers, chutes, belt conveyors Hydro-Mix XT Mixers, conveyors, Ducting System Hydro-Mix XT-EX Certified for use in ATEX, IECEx and NEC/CSA Hazardous Locations (Dust) Hydro-Mix HT Mixers, conveyors, Ducting System, High Temperature Oil Animal Feed Coffee Rice Grain Contact us for more details Facility will provide added grain handling convenience and flexibility for Sustainable Oils and its came- lina growers in Montana. Sustainable Oils, Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Global Clean Energy Holdings, Inc., announced the com- pany has purchased 45 acres in Havre, Montana. The company is close to selecting its contractor to begin con- struction of the planned 600,000 bushel storage and rail loading facility for its proprietary camelina grain in the first-quarter 2022. The Havre land acquisition and new facility further ex- pands Sustainable Oils’ presence in Montana and cre- ates significant logistical advantages at camelina harvest for both Sustainable Oils and its contract growers. “Montana is the headquarters and epicenter for Sus- tainable Oils production in North America,” said Mike Karst, Sustainable Oils President . “A dedicated grain fa- cility in Havre provides regional contract growers added convenience and flexibility for delivery and storage of harvested camelina. With our adjacent proximity to the CHS Big Sky-Havre rail siding, we will be able to directly load unit trains of our grain to streamline transportation logistics to GCEH’s biorefinery in Bakersfield, California or other extraction plants.” Beginning in 2022, ExxonMobil has made a five-year commitment to purchase up to 220 million gallons of renewable diesel made from GCEH’s Bakersfield Re- newable Fuels refinery in California. Sustainable Oils' long-term goal is to secure contracts to grow more than one million acres of Sustainable Oils’ camelina varieties across Montana and the High Plains. Sustainable Oils to build 600,000 bushel grain facility in Montana
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