Miller Magazine Issue: 144 December 2021
61 COVER STORY MILLER / december 2021 these regulations, stakeholders must ensure that mycotox- in presence in their material is lower than a set maximum residue limit (MRL). For mycotoxin detection and quantification, many testing methods have been developed, but not all testing methods are equal. It’s vital that testing solutions are affordable, easy to use and reliable—to ensure farmers, grain suppliers, mills, and cereal producers are able to apply these tools. Fortunately, advancements in research and development have produced mycotoxin testing technology that can be used more reliably in the field and non-laboratory settings. Lateral flow tests are used for the specific qualitative or semi-quantitative detection of many substances in- cluding antigens, antibodies, and mycotoxins. These rapid and intuitive test systems are critical for the con- trol and the determination of contaminants, as they al- low for universal, accurate usage. Additionally, with multiple threats, it is beneficial to use testing and analytical technologies that can handle multi- ple mycotoxin screenings in a streamlined and effective way. For example, if an instance of mycotoxin contamina- tion is detected via lateral flow testing, the batch will imme- diately be flagged to undergo confirmatory testing using high-throughput methods such as ELISA kits. These tools provide a great first-line defense against mycotoxin contamination and can identify all the major my- cotoxin classes for streamlined and accurate results in a single sample. As mycotoxins are both chemically and ther- mally stable, they can survive further processing through to the final product stage; therefore, catching them early in the process is key. MIDSTREAM MONITORING Moving down the supply chain, wheat and grains are subject to further processing to create ingredients such as flour. If contamination is not detected in the upstream monitoring and testing, there is now a risk of producing much bigger outbreaks as it enters processing for snack and baked goods. Alongside mycotoxins, the incidence of other pathogens, such as E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria , is a concern among flour millers and food processors. Ongoing occurrences of pathogen outbreaks demonstrate the importance of effective monitor- ing and traceability in the wheat and grains supply chain. If instances of contamination are identified and traced back to the source, be this at the grain eleva- tor or in the factory, the relevant stakeholders can be informed, and appropriate measures can be taken to mitigate further risks and safeguard consumers. Due to its inexpensive and easy to interpret nature, ELISA testing kits are an important tool at processing facilities for pathogen screening. Today, automated ELISA techniques are providing processors with rapid screening of multiple pathogens with next day results. By leveraging these solu- tions in-house, processors can better manage their food safety risks, from raw materials to hygiene protocol. Automated solutions can also perform steps beyond ex- traction, including liquid handling, washing, incubation tim- ing, plate reading, and automatic report generation. This results in a large reduction of hands-on time for technicians and greatly reduces the risk of human error. To help streamline automation efforts, it can be ben- eficial to work alongside a full technology and support provider that can assist its customers across the en- tire testing workflow. Quality Monitoring Online Processors must continue to test and monitor their wheat and grain products as they pass down the supply chain. Near-infrared (NIR) instruments are a powerful example of this with the ability to be used both at-line and on-line. At-line instruments are often utilized in flour mills as they can provide rapid quantification of moisture, protein and ash content of wheat during intake and tempering. Further down- stream, on-line NIR instruments provide processors with re- al-time measurements of the moisture, fat and protein content of baked goods right through to the moment they leave the factory. This allows for the quality of novel products to be main- tained throughout processing and reduces the chance of prod- uct recalls. Not only does this increase consumer confidence in
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