Miller Magazine Issue: 144 December 2021

64 COVER STORY MILLER / december 2021 For more than 335 years and 14 generations, Rubin Mühle has been managed by the Rubin family. Around 250 employees work between the three locations: two in Baden, one in Vogtland, Saxony. Customers in Europe and beyond benefit from their reliable and flexible sup- ply of innovative, highquality grain products. Rubin Mühle is continuously investing in its further de- velopment and state-of-the-art technologies. They owe their success in no small part to their flexibility to pro- duce such a wide range of products in different quali- ties for different uses. Their innovative spirit and ability to quickly anticipate changes in the market has helped define the company as an enduring success story. Physical contamination is possible during production Rubin Mühle has had metal detectors integrated into their production process for many years. As quality re- quirements have become more stringent over time, sim- ply having controls for incoming goods is no longer suffi- cient. To rectify this, multiple critical control points along the entire production process were identified as ideal points for the use of improved solutions. The Rubin family prides themselves on ensuring their facilities always use cutting edge technologies. For company management, this ranks among their most important tasks. A search commenced for a solution that could inspect grain flakes with the best possible detection rates. Sesotec offered a number of solutions to meet their requirements. Highest metal detection performance with HRF technology and artificial intelligence From conventional metal detectors, to high-resolution frequency (HRF), to artificial intelligence – Sesotec offers a comprehensive portfolio of technologies suitable for a wide variety of products, conveying methods, and process- ing stages. The sensitivity requirements at Rubin Mühle are very high. For free-fall applications, the requirements are 0.794 mm for ferrous metals, 0.8 mm for non-ferrous metals, and 1.3 mm for stainless steel. For conveyor belt applica- tions, the requirements are 1 mm for ferrous and non-fer- rous metals, and 1.3 mm for stainless steel. The RAPID 6000 metal separator with HRF was cho- sen for the free-fall applications, and the INTUITY metal detector with THiNK artificial intelligence was chosen for the conveyor belt applications. The RAPID 6000 metal separator is used to examine coarse, flakey, light, fibrous, brittle, and moist bulk mate- rials. It can be quickly and easily integrated into existing Sesotec‘s unique metal detection solutions make it possible to achieve the highest detection performance throughout every processing stage. Rubin Mühle tests all prod- ucts several times over the course of production, which has a positive effect on the purity of their grain flakes. A future-proof investment Brigitte Rothkopf Director Corporate Communication Sesotec GmbH