Miller Magazine Issue: 144 December 2021
80 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / december 2021 OPTIMUM TENSION INCREASES LIFETIME OF BELTS What would you like to say about the problems with the belts and how to solve them? If these power transmission products are not properly assembled on site, the desired efficien- cy cannot be obtained. A suitable belt has to be selected with an optimum tension adjustment, the products must be given the necessary support during maintenance and cleaned from dust and dirt. The most important issue for the lifetime of the belt is the operating conditions such as oil resistance, acid resistance, water resistance, temperature re- sistance, and alkali resistance. You must keep the belts safe from dirty environment and wiping. In case of a problem with belts, all the belts in a pulley should be replaced. Brand new belts should not be run together with the old ones. In addition, belts of different brands should not be used at the same point. If the belt is too tight on the pulley, it will deterio- rate the bearings over time and cause the motor to draw too much current and therefore the energy it draws is high. On the other hand, low tension causes skidding and belt breakage due to high temperature. Screwdrivers, chisels, crowbars, sticks, etc. should not be used while changing the belts. The correct way of changing is to remove the belts from the gap formed when moving it from one pulley to another. I would also like to talk about storage in a nut- shell. The belts should be stored in places that are free of moisture, away from sunlight, and where the temperature is stable. They should be stored after being attached to hooks and stretched. Long belts should be stored without being folded too much. We need to know that the storage period under suitable conditions is a maximum of 5 years. WE ARE UNRIVALED IN TURKEY What would you say about your position in the domestic and international market and your tar- gets in the short- and medium-term? We are the leading company in the domestic mill- ing machine manufacturers, flour factories, as well as being the leading company of the sector. I think we are unrivaled in our field in Turkey. We provide services in many sectors and many countries abroad, particularly in the Middle East. To put it in a nutshell, we are the most dynamic
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