Miller Magazine Issue: 144 December 2021

82 ARTICLE MILLER / december 2021 The Spanish company Balaguer Rolls is a family business founded in 1916 that develops the casting and machining of centrifugal casted rolls for flour milling industries, compound feed, soybeans, cof- fee, chocolates, paintings, salt, biscuits and chemi- cal. With more than 100 years’ experience, Balaguer Rolls offers reliable products. Being world leader in manufacturing centrifugally chilled cast iron rolls for the food processing industry, it exports 99% of its production to more than 130 countries in the world. The greatest OEMs around the world fit Balaguer rolls on their roller mills, and they trust Balaguer quality to be part of their own project. The company has declared that one of its most important targets in the near future is to open up to the Asian and African markets. In 2019, a big step was taken towards this goal by establishing Balagu- er Rolls Turkey. Balaguer Rolls Turkey has nearly completed its second year of foundry production achieving sig- nificant success in the local market. The company, under the leadership of the experienced general manager Alpaslan UZ, has made the right steps to become a leader in the sector. The use and develop- ment of state-of-art technologies and a highly skilled Balaguer Rolls Turkey has nearly completed its second year of foundry production achieving significant success in the local market. In a short period of time, the produc- tion capacity was increased in order to be able to cover all demand of the flour mill business area in Turkey. In November 2021, the company is proud to announce the pride of casting its 10.000th roll. In line with the increasing demand, the company has strengthened its position in the national and international markets. Balaguer Rolls Turkey reaches 10.000 cast rolls