Miller Magazine Issue: 144 December 2021
83 ARTICLE MILLER / december 2021 team have been key elements of the company has been gaining experience based on the know-how together with the needed prestige to manufacture rolls which fulfill the sector needs. The company mis- sion is to provide customers with continuously im- proved technology and profitable products. In a short period of time, the production capac- ity was increased in order to be able to cover all demand of the flour mill business area in Turkey. In November 2021, the company is proud to announce the pride of casting its 10.000th roll. In line with the increasing demand, the company has strengthened its position in the national and international markets. Balaguer Rolls Turkey manufactures rolls for the food and non-food processing industries with the double layer centrifugal casting method. In their production facility, which has a centrifugal casting capacity of 2100 kg in a single mass, the produc- tion range is from 180 mm to 406 mm in diame- ter, and up to 2140 mm roll length. All of the rolls are double layer centrifugal casting and are made of special alloy. The company has a production capacity of 16K rolls of different diameters and lengths per year. Balaguer Rolls Turkey will ex- pand its business scope in short term. Balaguer Rolls Turkey would like to thank every Turkish food processing company for their trust and support, and would like to share with them all our justified pride in this situation. Our company believes that the road to success is 'always being under con- struction'. Clients look for reliable suppliers, and Balaguer Rolls just give them the best solution from a supplier they can trust, which they can expect it will be there in long term. The company, under the leadership of the experi- enced general manager Alpaslan UZ, has made the right steps to become a leader in the sector.
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