Miller Magazine Issue: 144 December 2021

86 ARTICLE MILLER / december 2021 ventional methods. In this way, product leaks are avoided, preventing whole pallets from being contaminated. INCREASING PERFORMANCE THROUGH PROCESS DATA EVALUATION With the BVPV 4.40, GoodMills Deutschland can now fill up to 400 bags an hour at its Mannheim site, and with an expansion model it is possible to reach an output of 600 bags per hour. This means that the rate has already doubled compared to the previous system. However, there is potential to increase efficiency even further. The new system gathers process data automatically and analyzes and evaluates it in the context of the overall system. In this way, downtime due to poorly coordinated sub-processes can be avoided, “efficiency killers” iden- tified or warehouse capacity saved, to name just a few possible advantages. “We are still in the learning phase in this regard,” says Wieler at the Mannheim site, where the system was commissioned about two months ago. “Evaluat- ing the data will enable us to further optimize our pro- cesses in the future.” The BVPV from Greif-Velox The bag magazine of Greif-Velox’s BVPV 4.40 at GoodMills Deutschland’s Mannheim site can bag semolina and flour in various granule sizes, with bag sizes ranging from 5 to 25 kilograms.