Miller Magazine Issue: 145 January 2022

45 MILLER / january 2022 NEWS on the current challenges of mills in East Africa. In addi- tion to analyses of grain and flour, the flour treatment spe- cialists there will also offer training, seminars and work- shops. “The flour experts in Nairobi bring with them long experience in the milling industry on the African market. They will contribute all of the knowledge that Mühlenche- mie has built up around the globe, and enrich the new location with their own expertise,” says Loop. Commer- cial direction of the new location will be in the hands of Khalif Steinbrich, Area Sales Manager East Africa. He is very familiar with the African market and has extensive experience in customer consulting. The laboratory will be under the direction of David Nolte. A trained miller, for 13 years he has worked for Mühlenchemie as an Applica- tions Engineer for Milling and Rheology, and has exten- sive knowledge of the East African milling industry. The Kenyan location is of strategic importance for the African milling in- dustry. With its growing population and prosper- ity, the demand for safe, high-quality, affordable food is also rising. The vol- atile grain market presents East African mills with the challenge of responding ever more quickly to new conditions. Since the re- gion is heavily agricultural, much of the raw materials like wheat and corn are locally sourced. With the analysis capacity of this new location Mühlenche- mie can develop solutions for individual needs and make them available to mills much faster. Furthermore, personal communica- tion between customer and consul- tant from field to final product will be much more direct. “With the new location in Nairo- bi, we are further expanding our worldwide network and adapting our products and services to the local market. In doing so, we can build on our global expertise,” ex- plains Loop, adding, “meanwhile, the knowledge that we gain on the African market will contribute to the further development of our services in other parts of the world. Mühlenchemie serves over 2000 mills in more than 130 countries. The company knows the latest requirements of the manufacturers, what raw materials are on the market, and what results are possi- ble with what processes. At the central “Future Makers” Stern-Technology Center in Ahrensburg, Germany, over 100 scientists and applications technologists work on tai- lor-made solutions for the requirements of the worldwide milling industry. In order to better transfer this knowl- edge to regional markets, in recent years Mühlenchemie has steadily expanded its capacities for applications re- search in those markets. Today, its experts in Germany, Mexico, Singapore, India, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tur- key and Nigeria assist mills locally with individual solu- tions for optimum flour quality. With the Nairobi location, the second Technology Center on the African continent has now been added.