Miller Magazine Issue: 145 January 2022
51 COVER STORY MILLER / january 2022 COVID-19 pandemic showed vulnerability within the agrifood system globally. Global trade in agricultural and food products plays an essential role in providing food security for the world. Volume and freedom of trade are key, as is diversity of global supply into those markets. The COVID-19 pandemic increased global food inse- curity in almost every country by reducing incomes and disrupting food supply chains. The pandemic continues to create devastating effects on global hunger and poverty. Food security means a supply chain that is consistently able to deliver adequate quantities of food, both through preparing for disruption and having the capacity and flex- ibility to respond effectively to unexpected problems. A resilient supply chain is robust and resilient, possessing an ability to recover from disruption and which can re-orien- tate to alternate outcomes when necessary. Dynamics in grain logistics
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