Miller Magazine Issue: 145 January 2022

59 COVER STORY MILLER / january 2022 mills that operate using automated 90% less workforce, who followed up with their work remotely. Thanks to Al-Hazaa Investment Group’s long expe- rience and wise management, we were able to face and overcome this challenge. We also deeply believe that what helped us through these tough times are the efforts of every member of Al-Hazaa Group, our em- ployees had shown great efforts and full commitment toward their responsibilities, which helped us to over- come and adapt to this new situation quickly. Our val- ued partners and reliable suppliers have also helped us a lot in responding to any market changes. And finally, no one can deny the efforts of govern- ments worldwide and their effective role to protect their countries from the ambiguity that this virus has created, the governments in all the countries that Al-Hazaa Group operates in showed great support to mills, other businesses and most importantly to the people since the beginning of the pandemic. I take Jordan as an example, in which the government and the Jordanian Chamber of Industry and Commerce were fully supportive, the government used its own wheat stock to supply public and private mills when wheat prices started to increase in order to create a balance for mills and help them to absorb the price in- crease easily, in addition to that the government bears the inland transportation cost of wheat when millers choose to use the government wheat as part of wheat subsidy in Jordan which was implemented even be- fore the pandemic.