Miller Magazine Issue 146 February 2022
32 MILLER / FEBRUARY 2022 NEWS Schenck Process, a global market leader of selected process technologies in the manufacture of pneu- matic conveying, will partner with Lontra and use their compressor technology to operate a brand-new lean phase conveying system. Lontra is a developer, manufacturer, and exporter of high-value machin- ery for critical industries, including pneumatic conveying and industrial wastewater treatment. This exciting partnership sees Lontra’s LP2 blower, featur- ing the innovative Blade Compressor® technology, connect- ed into the low-pressure supply main for Schenck Process’s new conveying system. Schenck Process will install it at their Doncaster facility later in January. Further details of the new conveying system plan will be released in the coming months, with Lontra’s blower and Schenck Process’s technology set to demonstrate incredible energy savings to customers. Lontra’s technology is already proven to be up to a third more efficient than traditional compressor tech- nologies. Schenck Process saw the potential of Lontra’s technology back in 2019 and co-sponsored Lontra’s ex- hibition space at Comvac, the largest global compressed air show. Their support gave Lontra’s Blade Compressor® technology significant recognition as a gamechanger in the industrial compressor industry. Richard Ellis, Vice President Technologies EMEA, Schenck Process GmbH, commented: "When we first started working with Lontra, within minutes, we saw they could be a key part of the challenge to reduce the amount of power consumed by pneumatic conveying systems globally. With their design showing fundamen- tal power savings, coupled with our research on how to minimize conveying air for any system, we saw a real col- laborative opportunity to make a significant contribution to a cleaner, more sustainable future for our customers.” Steve Lindsey, CEO, Lontra Ltd, UK, commented: “Schenck Process has been phenomenal in supporting our journey. From the early discussions around tech- nology to joining our stand at Comvac in Hannover (the world’s largest compressor exhibition) through to the next step of installing the Lontra LP2 at their site. We’re proud to be working with a global leader like Schenck Process within the Pneumatic Conveying in- dustry. Their recognition at a crucial stage in our prog- ress meant were able to tell the world about the Blade Compressor’s proven efficiency gains of up to 34% and we have subsequently signed strategic distributors in the USA. This new partnership will help take our tech- nology even further into the powdered food and drink sector and promote the energy savings that both our technologies can offer to customers.” The Schenck Process facility is just 7 miles from Lon- tra’s soon to be announced smart factory, which will scale up production of the blower in the region, with support of South Yorkshire’s Mayoral Combined Authority. Rachel Clarke, Director of Trade & Investment at South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, said: “This part- nership is great news for the region and strategic for Schenck Process. By adding Lontra to their already im- pressive and leading technologies, they’re bringing more innovation to the region, helping to drive economic growth and attracting more highly-skilled individuals into quality roles within the region.” Schenck Process partners with Lontra
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