Miller Magazine Issue 146 February 2022
70 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / FEBRUARY 2022 The COVID-19 pandemic has made us more aware of the critical importance of the grain industry. Countries de- pendent on imports have been trying to make large grain purchases to guarantee their national food security. There- fore, grain trade shows a substantial growth trend. And in- dustry experts foresee the construction of large industrial grain storage and processing plants in the coming period. There are a lot of companies in designing and supplying industrial plants for grain logistics, handling, storing and mill- ing systems but German company CESCO EPC GmbH, for- merly known as PETKUS Engineering GmbH, is among the leading companies in the sector. Mr. Luca Celeghini and his son Dr. Martino Celeghini are at the helm of the new compa- ny. Luca Celeghini serves as President and Martino Celegh- ini as CEO. Celeghini family is a recognized and prestigious member of the grain technology industry. Luca Celeghini has transformed PETKUS into one of the largest companies in the industry. After decid- ing to go individual ways with his partner Mark Scholze, Celeghini now aims to create a new tradename that will focus even more on the design and supply of large in- dustrial plants for grain storage and dry milling for deep processing with a complete portfolio for handling, stor- ing, and processing systems. “Big size storage, bigger conveying capacity, and automatic control are the pre- conditions to support the market trend, while easy man- agement, limited pollution, and low maintenance are the preconditions for the proper operation. The CESCO team mentality, the smart concept of the design, and the quality of the components are fully oriented to this target,” says Mr. Luca Celeghini. “CESCO is an acronym which stands for CEleghini Smart Concepts,” adds his son Martino Celeghini. “CESCO was created to focus on financing, design, procurement, erection, and commis- sioning of large industrial grain storage and processing plants, combining the high profes- sional capabilities of the management and employees and taking good care of the custom- er as is typical for a family-run company. In decades of activity, Luca Celeghini has created a strong team that has gradually collected a vast experience, now transferred to CESCO.” Legacy of Celeghini family transferred to CESCO Luca Celeghini President CESCO EPC GmbH Martino Celeghini CEO CESCO EPC GmbH
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