Miller Magazine Issue: 147 March 2022

104 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / march 2022 The 2022 edition of IPACK-IMA is just around the corner. Taking place in Milan from May 3rd to 6th, the event marks the return to presence for exhibitors and visitors, serving as a meeting point for demand and supply of processing technologies, packaging solu- tions and materials. Valerio Soli, President of Ipack Ima Srl, tells us about the many meanings of an exhibition that brings together the various stakeholders in a com- plex production chain. Four years after the last edition, and after so many changes and developments in the industry's produc- tion processes, what will we find more than in the past at IPACK-IMA? IPACK-IMA will be the most important processing & packaging exhibition to be held in attendance in 2022 after a long time, a truly long-awaited and necessary return for the industry. I can confirm that the packaging industry has never stopped during this period, with a to- tal turnover of € 8,435 million and an 8% increase over 2020 - according to the latest Ucima data - and, even in the most difficult times, it has always been close to its customers. The ability of companies to reorganize themselves in terms of safety and flexibility has made it possible to continue production. Companies with a vi- sion of the sector based on connectivity, customization, digitalization, automation and remote control have been the ones to benefit most. All this is reflected in the many solutions that will be on show at the exhibition by an in- dustry that has interpreted the new challenges. In terms of the exhibition offer...Which sectors and markets have you designed this edition for? IPACK-IMA is an exhibition specializing in processing and packaging technologies for the food and non-food sectors, but food & beverage remains a primary market. Four Business Communities are dedicated to this sector, from pasta and milling - the "core" industry for the show - to liquid food and beverage - to which we will devote an entire pavilion - to fresh food and ready meals and to up to and technologies to meet the needs of the entire con- fectionary sector. IPACK-IMA will also focus heavily on the non-food sector, covering pharmaceuticals and nu- trition, beauty & personal care, chemicals & home care, and industrial & durable goods. From your point of view, how is the world of packaging changing, a sector whose speed of reaction to the con- straints imposed by the pandemic is emblematic… 2021 was a year of great change for the entire pack- aging industry. Unprecedented increases in raw material prices and component shortages have created unex- pected challenges. However, it was also a year full of “Bring and pursue innovation at the show because IPACK-IMA is the right place and the right time. IPACK-IMA is an incubator of ideas and, above all, a great busi- ness connector.” ‘Bring and pursue innovation at IPACK-IMA’ Valerio Soli President of Ipack Ima Srl.