Miller Magazine Issue: 147 March 2022

105 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / march 2022 opportunities. The ability of packaging to preserve the taste, flavor and integrity of products, even over long pe- riods, was rediscovered. Above all, the safety of pack- aging in preventing contamination during handling was appreciated. Developments related to sustainability are also becoming of primary importance for the industry and primarily for material manufacturers who have in- vested heavily in research and development in a green perspective, responding to brand owners' commitments to a circular economy. These are all issues that have be- come essential when it comes to packaging and that will be fully developed at IPACK-IMA. A special focus will be devoted to packaging mate- rials, which are able to meet the requirements of sus- tainability and rationalization of production: how will they be highlighted at the fair? We will pay a great deal of attention to packaging ma- terials, which will be strongly represented at the show by over 200 companies active in this segment. IPACK-Mat is the IPACK-IMA brand that will make it easy to iden- tify these companies, which will offer innovative and eco-friendly materials in a dedicated area located in hall 5. The topic of packaging is constantly confronted with that of product safety and preservation. IPACK-IMA, to- gether with the Italian Packaging Institute will tackle this by discussing research laboratories, certification insti- tutes and centers specialized in FCMs compliance stan- dards in the special area Ipack-Ima Lab. We will also host the "Packaging Speaks Green" international forum, orga- nized by Pack-Media with the support of Ucima, which will focus on sustainability in the packaging supply chain. Pharmintech will take place in conjunction with IPACK-IMA. What will be the added value of this synergy? A new aspect of the next edition will be IPACK-IMA's focus on the chemical-pharmaceutical sector. Our part- nership with Pharmintech will allow us to make the most of technologies and solutions for this sector. These two events will thus combine to create a unique exhibition moment, the expression of a synergy built on the demand for processing and packaging technologies, a great add- ed value for both exhibitors and visitors. In 2022, Milan will be the meeting point for the world's most important players in the Lifescience industries: from pharmaceuti- cals to parapharmaceuticals, from nutraceuticals to cos- meceuticals, from medical devices to biotechnologies. The layout was conceived to amplify business oppor- tunities for the three communities Pharma & Nutritional, Beauty & Personal Care and Chemicals & Home Care that will be located in Hall 2, with the aim of enhancing