Miller Magazine Issue: 147 March 2022
78 COVER STORY MILLER / march 2022 1. Introduction Jet pulsed filter (JPF) is the most basic equipment used in flour, semolina, pasta, seeds, feed, bulgur, grain, and pulses industries. In all facilities where powder and granular raw materials are used or produced, dust col- lection and dust separation are done with JPF. Figure 1 shows the principle schematic of a JPF system [1]. JPF systems are included in all processes such as transpor- tation, cleaning, grinding, sieving, sorting, and bagging in the mills. The problems experienced in these systems directly affect the production process. In current JPF ap- plications, there is no solution that can easily detect their failures. However, many existing problems have become easily identifiable thanks to newly developed high-tech equipment and artificial intelligence-based intelligent control algorithms. In this study, first, the problems exist- ing in JPF systems were listed, then the benefits of the new generation artificial intelligence-based jet filter process con- troller developed by Jetmaster company to eliminate all these problems, increase product quality and reduce energy con- sumption were explained. 2. Effects of Jet Filters on Product Quality Although JPFs are among the most important pieces of equipment for the milling industry, they have remained in the background compared to other machines in today's milling. However, these filters must be working smoothly to catch the targeted values of main milling parameters such as grinding tonnage, ash ratio, and extraction rate. When the mill is first commissioned, while the jet filters are operating at full capacity, over time, the malfunctions in the filters appear as fluctuations in the ash value of which the reason cannot be understood. Then, the de- sired extraction rate in normal production tonnage be- comes unachievable. This results in a reduction in pro- duction tonnage or extraction rate. In the same process, unit energy consumption also increases. 3. Current Problems The jet filter system, which was de- veloped by Bühler in 1979, is still widely used, and there are rarely personnel who have full knowledge of the working logic of this system. Disassembly and assem- bly of jet filter equipment takes a long time and makes fault detection difficult. In In this study, first, the problems existing in jet pulsed filter (JPF) systems were listed, then the benefits of the new generation artificial intelligence-based jet filter process controller developed by Jetmaster company to eliminate all these problems, increase product quality and reduce energy consumption were explained. A novel artificial intelligence application in milling Dr. Nihat Çankaya Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Vocational School Department of Food Processing
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