Miller Magazine Issue: 147 March 2022
84 COVER STORY MILLER / march 2022 3.4. Cleaning Multiple Filters with One Blower In facilities where more than one filter is cleaned with one blower, the timer of each filter blows at different ti- mes. In this case, the filter tanks become pressure ves- sels connected in parallel and some filter bags are blown at a lower pressure as in Figure 5. If this event is repeated one after another, a permanent cake layer is formed in the filter bags, then the bags lose their permeability. This problem both reduces aspiration and causes the bags to burst when air is blown into the bags. Flour production capacity and extraction rate decrease, fluctuations occur in ash value. Generally, a blower with a capacity of 2-3 times larger than normal is used to eliminate this problem, that is, to keep the pressure between 400-500mbar continuous- ly. In this case, the pressure is constantly in the range of 400-500mbar as in Figure 6. This ensures that the blowing pressure is high enough. However, the average pressure value almost approaches the blowing pressure value, that is, around 500mbar. In this case, the energy consumption increases between 3 and 5 times. Blower body temperatures, which should normally be around 65 0 C, rise to 100 0 C or even higher. This high tempera- ture reduces blower life, increases mechanical wear, and spoils the product recovered from the filter. With the JETMASTER Synchronous series devi- ces with artificial intelligence, when the pressure reac- hes 500mbar, all filters are blown at the same time. By blowing at the precisely adjusted pressure value, very good cleaning of the filter bags is ensured. After blowing, the tank is completely emptied and the pressure is re- duced to 0-50 mbar as in Figure 7. Thus, the average pressure value is reduced to around 250-300 mbar. The average pressure value affects the energy consumption logarithmically and the operating temperature exponen- tially. In this way, energy consumption and heating are reduced by around 85%. Capacity increases by around 10%, ash value decreases by about 5 points, extraction rate increases by around 1%. The same job can be done by a 40% low-capacity blower. Filter bag bursts are pre- vented. 3.5. Breakdowns of JPF Failures and malfunctions in the blowers and comp- ressors that supply compressed air to the JPF cleaning system are caused by heating, wear, and friction. The oil used in the blower must be changed at certain intervals. The most important factor affecting oil life is isothermal Figure 7. Energy Consumption and Cleaning Pres- sure when a Normal Capacity Blower is used with Artificial Intelligence Device Figure 8. Change of Oil Life According to Operating Temperature
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