Miller Magazine Issue: 147 March 2022
86 COVER STORY MILLER / march 2022 heating due to the compression of the air. The operating temperature of the compressed air generator is calcula- ted by Formula (2). Here; T2 is the absolute temperature of the outlet air (K), T1 is the absolute temperature of the inlet air (K), p1 is the absolute pressure of the intake air (bar), p2 is the absolute pressure of the air leaving the blower (bar), and k is the specific air ratio, and its value is approximately 1.4. Formula (2) shows that the heating in the blower depends only on the average outlet pressure. The curve showing the oil life according to the operating tempera- ture of the air generator is given in Figure 3. 3.6. Failures of JPF JPF is in a structure that will cause many malfunctions that are difficult to detect and diagnose. Some of the- se glitches are listed below. Models with solenoid valves frequently burn out valve coils. Blowing performance is reduced in models with diaphragm due to diaphragm staling. In single diaphragm models, the tank pressure does not increase when the diaphragm bursts. In double diaphragm models, when the small diaphragm bursts, the tank pressure does not rise, when the large diaph- ragm bursts, the tank pressure increases, but compres- sed air cannot be blown into the bags. It is impossib- le to understand the dirty level of the filter bags. Even if the bags appear clean, their permeability is reduced by moisture. The bag tear cannot be detected until it is seen that dust is thrown out. It cannot be detected that one of the bags has fallen until it is seen that dust has been thrown out. The time to change the bag cannot be accurately determined. It is not possible to always blow into the filter bags at the same pressure. It is impossib- le to detect the problem of not being able to blow the bags originating from the pneumatic equipment, clogged blower filters, delays in tank filling time, and air leaks in the filter tank. It could not be determined in which filter bag group the fault occurred. 3.7. Type of JPF According to the pressure of the air used in cleaning the filter bags, those using 6 bar air are called high pres- sure, those using 0.5 bar air are called low-pressure jet filters. 6 bar air is obtained by using a compressor and 0.5 bar air is obtained by using a blower. Although the investment in high pressure (pulse) filter is cheaper, using a compressor is 2 times more expensive in terms of unit compressed air costs. For this reason, low-pressure jet filters using blowers should be preferred in terms of ope- rating costs. 3.8. Using the Aspirator Fan Before or After Jet Filter Figure 10. Comparison of Working Methods of Clas- sical Filter Timers and Artificial Intelligence Device Figure 11. A Jetmaster device in operation.
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