Miller Magazine Issue: 147 March 2022

89 COVER STORY MILLER / march 2022 4. Jetmaster: The Industry's First Jet Filter Timer Using Artificial Intelligence Today, artificial intelligence has entered into indust- rial use in many areas. An example of these uses is the jet filter process control device developed by Jet- master Technology Company ( tr). This device, which has advanced control algorit- hms with artificial intelligence, is equipped with pres- sure and differential pressure sensors. The operating method of the device is given in Figure 9. Thanks to this technology, the device offers solutions to all the above-mentioned problems regarding jet filters. The gains obtained according to the data obtained from the facilities where the device is used were as follows. The production tonnage was increased by 5% and remains constant at the value at which the plant was commissioned. The extraction rate was increased around 1% and reached its maximum value. The ash value was decreased by about 0.05%. Blower energy consumption was reduced by around 45%. Blower production flow was increased by around 20%. The blower oil temperature was decreased around 30°C. The oil change period of the blower was increased ap- proximately 8 times. The mechanical wear on blower parts was reduced by approximately 70%. Waste oil production from blowers was reduced by 85%. The noise level caused by the blower sound was reduced by around 5dB. Blower suction filter blockages and blower failures were detected. The filter bag conta- mination level was detected. The filter bag burst was detected. Falling filter bags were detected. Filter bag life was extended. Filter bag bursts were reduced. Homogeneous and balanced aspiration was provi- ded at a constant flow. Blower failures and the need for maintenance were reduced. A blower with a much smaller capacity was sufficient to do the same job. The blower investment cost was reduced. If air can- not be blown into any of the filter bag assemblies, the fault is detected immediately. Diaphragm tears were detected. The values given were the average of the data received from the facilities where the device was used. The improvements to be achieved would vary according to the existing inefficiency value. In Figure 10, the comparison of the working methods of the classical filter timers and the artificial intelligence device was given [1]. Figure 11 shows a Jetmaster device in operation. References: [1] Çankaya, N., & Özcan, M. (2019). Performance optimization and improvement of dust laden air by dynamic control method for jet pulsed filters. Advan- ced Powder Technology, 30(7), 1366-1377. Dr. Nihat ÇANKAYA was born in Konya in 1974. He comp- leted his undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral studies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He did his master's work on jet filters and his doctorate on control theory. As the 3rd generation representative of the milling pro- fession, Dr. Nihat ÇANKAYA worked in various positions in factories producing flour, semolina, and pasta, and took part in various projects in important companies of the sector in Italy, Switzerland, France, and Germany. After working as Technical Manager of Selva Pasta, he still works as a lectu- rer at Necmettin Erbakan University MMYO Milling Program. He is also the Energy Management Coordinator of Necmet- tin Erbakan University. He speaks English and Italian, and his studies are concentrated in the following areas. · Project design, establishment, automation, and com- missioning of pasta factories and flour mills, · Energy-saving practices in mills and pasta factories, · Pneumatic transport systems design and pneumatic calculations, · High-efficiency jet filter control systems, · Use of artificial intelligence in flour semolina pasta production, · Unmanned roller mill systems, · Increasing the tonnage and extraction rate in flour semo- lina production, decreasing the ash content, · Production of oil-free, spotless, crack-free high-quality pasta, · HACCP, ISO, OHSAS, GMP activities, · Co-generation facilities design, commissioning, adapta- tion to food processes, · Mill and process automation, control systems, PLC, and SCADA applications. He is also the coordinator of various TUBITAK and R&D projects on related subjects. Dr. Nihat Çankaya has many academic studies, articles within the scope of SCI, and vari- ous patents. In addition to his academic duties, he provides sector-specific solutions by designing and manufacturing high-tech process control devices with his Jetmaster Tech- nology Company. About the author