Miller Magazine Issue: 147 March 2022
91 COVER STORY MILLER / march 2022 ing demands. Baking test in the mill laboratory is very important to control and assuring these requirements by evaluating the requirements of a certain customer’s spe- cific demands. It is necessary to collect information from customers on the different types of end-use formulas in which the flour is used. The mill laboratory should choose one of the official procedures and methods to be followed, the American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC), the Associa- tion of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) International, or the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC). The mills that implement International Standards Organization (ISO) 9000 certification program should use the ICC methods which is certified by ISO. With mills running 24 hours, the mill laboratory may be having one to three-shift laboratory staff. It depends on mill size, type of equipment in the laboratory, kinds of flours produced, frequency of wheat mix changes, and wage rates. Increasingly simple tests in the mill are car- ried out using NIR equipment by the miller to reduce laboratory working hours. Mills equipped with on-line equipment (NIR) checking some intermediate streams parameters to maintain machine adjustments is greatly reduce the scope and range of laboratory tests. The partnership between the laboratory employees and the operating miller by continuous sharing of infor- mation is necessary to ensure product quality manage- ment decisions. Mill laboratory -like other mill sections, it should en- force safety rules and procedures in the laboratory. The location of fire extinguishers, first aid boxes and warning signals should be reviewed regularly according to safety rules and regulations. Industry 4.0 – digitalization – opened up new opportu- nities in the mill industry. This also affects the equipment of the mill laboratory. The term "Laboratory 4.0" stands for innovative automation concepts and digitalization in everyday laboratory work. The pressure for innovation and efficiency is making the laboratory equipment indus- try rethink the way they operate their equipment. To apply "Laboratory 4.0" concepts for the laboratory of the future various IoT devices are digitally networked with to the web-based platform which enables easy ac- cessing to multiple equipment simultaneously and to its results which is collected at a central database. This system should help the laboratory staff to automate the daily work which was done manually or by spreadsheets software. Web-based database systems which include all laboratory data can provide statistical analysis in tab- ulated and graphic forms. Statistical analysis will help in predicting the future trends that can be and often will be if the system is supported by artificial intelligent algo-
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