Miller Magazine Issue: 147 March 2022
99 INTERVIEW MILLER / march 2022 IGC has added pulses in the definition of grain and started to update its members regularly. What is the motivation behind this decision? Pulses are a staple food for many regions and, as such, there is a need to have comprehensive data on supply and demand and trade, with the IGC unique in providing detailed information for seven varieties of pulses. Reflecting growing demand, the trade of pulses in total is on a par with, say, rapeseed/canola. Yet, the availability of information on pricing is sub- optimal compared to markets for grains and oilseeds, with few exporting origins providing regular export (fob) quotations. Again, the IGC is working with its members/partners to build a platform for the publica- tion of world market prices. IGC GRAINS CONFERENCE: A GLOBAL FORUM FOR GRAIN MARKETS IGC Grains Conference will return in 2022 at a new venue in London. What are the topics to be discussed at the conference? We are really excited to restart the next edition in per- son in London. The 2022 Conference will be held in a hybrid format on 7 & 8 June 2022 in central London. Featuring contributions from speakers in pre-recorded format and live, the event will focus on a number of key topics, including supply chain vulnerabilities, sustainabil- ity as well as related climate change mitigation policies, and will be centred around four main sessions: • Economic growth, with a special focus on infrastruc- ture and logistical investments required to cope with shocks throughout the supply chain; • Sustainability criteria and new trade policies in agri- cultural commodities; • Carbon trading schemes and their potential use as a tool to incentivise climate change mitigation measures in the grains trade sector; • The future of biofuels within the context of renewable energy policy, particularly in the transportation sector. Furthermore, day two of the event will include a num- ber of commodity-specific workshops covering topical issues affecting markets for wheat, rice, oilseeds and pulses. Addressing resilience to vulnerabilities in global food systems requires policymakers and private enterprises to share knowledge, expertise and opinions. As such, the International Grains Council (IGC) is uniquely posi- tioned. Join this global forum where such discussions can take place, with the annual IGC Grains Conference bringing together key players from the public and private sectors. IGC Conference has a tradition of regional focus. What will be the regional focus this year and why? Asia is one of the most dynamic regional markets for grains and oilseeds. Amid changing dietary patterns and consumer preferences, asymmetric market disruptions and price movements between wheat and rice provide some margin of manoeu- vre for substitution. This year, the conference will address economic factors and trends within food- grain (wheat and rice) markets in key consuming countries in Asia.
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