Miller Magazine Issue: 149 May 2022
44 MILLER / MAY 2022 NEWS Scoular, a U.S. grain trading, handling and processing firm has acquired two facilities in northern Florida to help the company better serve grain and livestock producers in the Southeastern United States. Scoular purchased the assets of Columbia Grain & Ingredients in Lake City and Live Oak, Florida. The pur- chase provides Scoular with anchor locations in the re- gion and includes feed ingredient and grainhandling facilities, storage space and a feed mill. The facilities will provide upright storage space of close to 600,000 bushels and flat storage of over 10,000 tons, which will be used primarily to handle corn, bulk ingredients and micro ingredients. The fa- cilities are capable of loading and unloading trucks, as well as railcars, with the Lake City site able to handle 135 rail cars. The facilities will enable Scoular to provide just-in- time delivery and strengthen its existing grain and in- gredient businesses in the Southeast. The purchase, which also will enable Scoular to add micro-ingredient blending to its services in the region, will include Co- lumbia’s transportation fleet and team. “This transaction is critical to better serving our feed and grain customers in the region,” said Eric Perry, Vice President and General Manager in Scoular’s Feed Di- vision. “This investment expands our network, product portfolio and transportation presence in the region, demonstrating our commitment to providing high-qual- ity ingredients and services to our customers. We are excited to leverage our operational expertise and ex- perience in blending ingredients into this new and ex- panding business.” Scoular acquires Florida grain and feed facilities As part of global Earth Day celebrations on April 22, ADM announced a commitment to achieve 100% de- forestation-free supply chains by 2025, five years earlier than previously targeted. The accelerated timeline applies to direct and indirect sourcing of all commodities from every country in ADM’s supply chain. “Our goal is to end deforestation in the shortest time pos- sible, and the new target date for deforestation-free sourc- ing demonstrates our ongoing commitment to sustainable, ethical and responsible production,” said Chief Sustainabili- ty Officer Alison Taylor. “Every day, we seek to build a more resilient and sustainable food system that protects forests, safeguards biodiversity, and supports communities.” ADM is on track to achieve its traceability goals in soy supply chains in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina by the end of 2022. The company has also achieved a high level of traceability to the mill in the palm supply chain and is work- ing to increase traceability to plantations. “This Earth Day and every day, we believe in taking ac- tion for climate change and are committed to continuous improvement as we collaborate with farmers, our partners, and our customers to integrate sustainable practices at ev- ery step across our supply chain from the field to consum- ers’ tables,” Taylor said. ADM makes earth day pledge to protect forests
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