Miller Magazine Issue: 149 May 2022

55 MILLER / MAY 2022 NEWS Ardent Mills, the premier flour-milling and ingredient company, announced the launch of its new certified gluten-free flour blends and Keto-friendly flour blends for the Canadian market. The expansion of its portfolio comes as a natural next step in Ardent Mills’ strategic growth plan to further invest in alternative grain capabilities and diversify its portfolio of solutions, building upon its traditional flour business. A major step for the industry, Ardent Mills’ Keto-friendly flour blends can be used as a replacement for convention- al flour without compromising taste, texture or functionality, while our new gluten-free flour blends offer ease of use for a variety of formats. "Interest in Keto-friendly and gluten-free lifestyles contin- ues to grow as consumers seek solutions that match their personal health values and preferences. In fact, Keto is the fastest growing ‘healthy claim’ appearing on menus, and 44 percent of consumers eat gluten-free at least some of the time, according to Ardent Mills proprietary research,” said Elaine O’Doherty, Canada marketing lead, Ardent Mills. “Our new Keto-friendly blends and gluten-free blends provide bakers with uncompromised formulations for ke- to-friendly or gluten-free applications.” The new flour blends will be available for purchase di- rectly through Ardent Mills Canada and bakery and food- service distributors across Canada. "Today, consumers expect food choices that align with their individual diet preferences and these latest alterna- tive offerings are a major step forward in making that a re- ality,” said Buck Vanniejenhuis, Canada general manager, Ardent Mills. “We’re thrilled that we can now offer bread and bakery manufacturers, retail and wholesale bakeries, and foodservice and pizza chain operators a one-stop shop for all their flour and alternative grain needs. Ardent Mills is truly at the forefront of this space, and I look forward to continuing to grow our portfolio in the years to come.” As part of the company’s long-term plan for strategic growth, Ardent Mills continues to invest in the alternative grains space. Most recently, the company acquired the business assets of Firebird Artisan Mills, based in Harvey, ND, which provides dedicated certified gluten-free milling capabilities. Ardent Mills Introduces new gluten-free flour blends for Canadian market