Miller Magazine Issue: 149 May 2022

95 ARTICLE MILLER / MAY 2022 crew. Many meters of pipelines, cables and quite a few machines had to be routed and set up. The relief was palpable, when the mills were put back into operationand the first improve- ments could be felt. RESTORED, NOT OVERHAULED The short production standstill was also used to restore the 12 drawer-type plansifters MPAD. The 144 doors and 72 inlets were thoroughly restored and repaired during extensive man- ual work carried out together with Bühler and the Swissmill millers. "As it was not feasible for Swissmill to exchange these important machines due to both time and technology constraints, another solution had to be found to extend their lifetime," explains Martin Ruckstuhl from Bühler sales. Diorit MDDY The central step in the current renewal of mills A and B at Swissmill was the replacement of the 36-year-old roller mills MDDK with new Diorit . Both mills are being retrofitted one after the oth- er in six stages during ongoing production. The reasons for choosing the new Bühler Diorit roll- er mills were manifold. For example, the existing mill layout, the proven and reliable technology and the new control system, which in connec- tion with Mercury fulfills all requirements, were all factors that contributed to the choice. "It was also important to us that the machine would be Handover of the first Diorit to André Bolay and Simon Künzle from Swissmill. Swissmill sifter floor with restored drawer-type plansifters MPAD.