Miller Magazine Issue: 149 May 2022

96 ARTICLE MILLER / MAY 2022 produced and assembled in Switzerland," says Simon Künzle. ROLLER MILL EXCHANGE UNDERWAY The replacement of the 36 MDDK with the modern Diorit roller mills is in full swing. Bühler has delivered two to four new roller mills on a weekly basis since the beginning of October 2021. The mill is ready for production again just 24 hours after it is switched off. "The coopera- tion with Bühler is going very well," says Simon Künzle. "We are working hand in hand, and have so far been able to keep well within the ambi- tious schedule." Antoine Bolay is also very hap- py with the progress of the mill upgrade: "It is great to be able to carry out and witness such an upgrade to the mills. The A mill was finished at the end of 2021 and the B mill should be up- graded by mid-2022." FURTHER STEPS PLANNED The modernization of the Swissmill mills does not end with the replacement of the roller mills in mill A and B. "We will also be replacing the existing Sortex of the two cleaning lines with Sortex H, the latest generation of optical sorter," reveals Simon Künzle. Restorations and expan- sions are also planned for the remaining mills. For Antoine Bolay, one thing is clear: "A mill is a structure that must constantly adapt to chang- ing market conditions and the new possibilities technology affords." Old/new comparison: The (still) old roller mills of the A mill on the right, the new Diorit MDDY of the B mill on the left Many meters of pipelines, cables and quite a few machines had to be routed and set up.