Miller Magazine Issue: 149 May 2022
97 ARTICLE MILLER / MAY 2022 The origins of Swissmill can be traced back to the Zürich City Mill, established in 1843 and lo- cated in a row of several other mills directly on the Limmat River. It was the only mill to survive the economic difficulties at the turn of the cen- tury. In 1913, the mill cooperative of the Federa- tion of Swiss Consumer Associations took over the city mill. This marked the beginning of the company's modern history. In 1969, the Feder- ation of Swiss Consumer Associations became Coop Switzerland. In 1998, Coop merged the two companies Stadtmühle CMZ Zürich AG and Minoterie Coop Rivaz, in which the Coop Group held a majority stake, to form the Swissmill we know today. This gave rise to the biggest milling company in Switzerland. As a result, production was concentrated in Zürich and ongoing in- vestments were made in modernizing the plant. Swissmill operates various production lines (two for common wheat, one for durum wheat, one for special flours and one for corn, as well as a hulling mill that mainly covers the increasing demand for oat products) with a total capacity of 1000 t/24 h. It employs 90 people, mills over 220,000 tons of grain per year – 90% of which is Swiss grown – into over 100 types of flours and semolina. Common wheat for bread production accounts for the largest production percentage. Grain flakes, mixtures and specialties are also produced. Swissmill produces around one quar- ter of bread flour and around 40% of pasta flour in Switzerland. The Diorit four or eight-roller mill MDDY/ MDDZ from Bühler has established itself on the global market as a cost-efficient yet high performing grinding solution thanks to its robust design, reli- able grinding, and ex- emplary hygiene. In 2019, Bühler upgrad- ed the Diorit with a focus on user-friend- liness. The machine control was com- pletely overhauled and the user inter- face was graphically redesigned. It facili- tates intuitive, simple monitoring and con- trol of the roller mills. By virtue of the inte- grated web server, Diorit can also be op- erated remotely. The modern sensor tech- nology ensures that the rollers always operate in the right position and at the right speed. As of 2022, Bühler of- fers advanced options for the Diorit, such as speed monitor- ing for the feed rollers, an in- sulated cover, bearing tem- perature mon- itoring, roller t emp e r a t u r e and vibration m o n i t o r i n g , a completely stainless con- struction, and much more. The roller mill is manufac- tured in various Bühler facto- ries to optimize supply chains and cover dif- ferent market needs. The new Diorit MDDY with advanced options. Swissmill Diorit with advanced options
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