Miller Magazine Issue: 150 June 2022

52 MILLER / JUNE 2022 NEWS Further development of digitalized products and services to extend customer service and a continuous focus on reducing customers’ raw material losses are some of the key themes for Cimbria in the coming years. In 2022 the company–who is world-leading in industrial processing, handling, and storage of seed and grain–cel- ebrates its 75th anniversary and aims at remaining experts at their customers’ side for many decades ahead. During the last 75 years, the world population has increased from around 2.5 billion people to almost 8 billion people today; this requires a more efficient way to produce food that is not only healthy but is done so in a safe and sustainable way while pro- tecting the precious harvest. Secure and efficient processing, handling, and storage of crops have been the focus for Cimbria for the last 75 years – and fast forward to the present day, that commitment has not changed. Ever since its formation in 1947, the company has grown steadi- ly with a strong focus on its core business and understanding of the market and the customers’ needs. Cimbria is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2022 with the prospect of making the anni- versary year a record sales year through an even more targeted sales strategy that has already resulted in a solid order backlog for the year: “We are fortunate that we are facing high demand for digital transformation across our business. Customers are looking for solutions which can minimize raw material losses while maximiz- ing production uptime. Thanks to a combination of innovation and AI, we can help our customers collect and measure information from the equipment to support their most efficient use”, says Gary Rollinson, Vice President, AGCO Grain & Seed EME. In 2016, Cimbria became a part of the AGCO Corporation and now has operations – including manufacturing facilities – in Den- mark, Italy, Czech Republic, and Austria as well as dealers in all continents. Not only does this deliver global reach; Cimbria is also committed to be an active player in the local communities and creating local jobs. “Cimbria employees are very loyal. We have many cases of team members who have started their careers with us as practi- cal clerks or technicians, who have gone on to grow and devel- op their personal and professional skills within the company. In fact, Cimbria employees have some of the longest employments across AGCO’s 23,000 employees. This solid base of long-stand- ing experience and expertise combined with young candidates bringing in new perspectives and knowledge keeps Cimbria rele- vant to customers,” says Stefan Caspari, Senior Vice President & General Manager, AGCO Grain & Protein. A combination of customer focus and truly understanding their needs is reflected in many long-term customer relationships, which makes it possible for Cimbria to support their journey to- wards a more sustainable future: -The requirements for more sustainable, full-service integrat- ed, and smart solutions are becoming increasingly important for investors and customers, especially against the backdrop of a growing world population to feed. This also calls for a more effi- cient processing and handling as well as safe storage of crops – requirements that the equipment from Cimbria is the perfect fit for. When we can help our customers solve their challenges by – for example – improving energy efficiency we contribute to an opti- mized use of resources, says Stephan Buskies, Vice President & General Manager, AGCO Grain & Protein, EAME & Grain, APAC. Cimbria celebrates 75th anniversary with commitment to digitalization and increased customer productivity