Miller Magazine Issue: 150 June 2022

WHOLE GRAIN FLOUR MILL +90 554 411 22 89 +90 332 235 56 74 Installation and Start Up in 7 Days Low Investment Cost Space Requirement is 9 x 4 x 4.6 meter 75 kW Installed Total Power Micron Size is Less Then 500 µm 750 - 1000 Kg / H Project Milling Capacity Investment Return is 6 Months addressed in Bühler’s new Insect Technology Cen- ter. In addition to the services offered to customers, Bühler’s team will run its own tests, thereby constant- ly improving the technology and services for the in- sect market. ACCELERATING INSECT PLANT PROJECTS The ITC aims to accelerate large-scale insect plant initiatives. By using the new test facility, customers might not need to invest into expensive pilot plants to demonstrate technological feasibility. Seeing the industrial insect technology in action makes it tan- gible, which allows customers to directly envision commercially attractive plant sizes. Since the insect growth chambers are mobile, they can be sent to any location, thus making the infrastructure acces- sible to customers worldwide. “In combination with the operational know-how exchange, we see enor- mous potential to reduce the overall time from the project idea to a successfully performing plant,” says Andreas Baumann. CONTRIBUTING TO A CIRCULAR ECONOMY Bühler is committed to ambitious targets that will help mitigate climate change and build a more sustainable food system. Insects are a healthy and sustainable source of protein for food and feed. In addition, their frass can be used as a fer- tilizer, contributing to a circular economy model of production. The insect feed protein market is ex- pected to reach half a million metric tons in 2030. By then, the pet food sector is projected to take 30% and aquaculture 40% of the total insect pro- tein volumes. “We are devoted to supporting the industry in reaching its full potential. Over the last years we have gained maturity and built the skills for helping the industry to further develop. With proven technologies in our portfolio, we are ready to enable our customers in bringing insect-based products to the market,” explains Andreas Bau- mann. You can visit the Insect Technology Center during Bühler Networking Days 2022.